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Lightning injured tourists in the Acropolis
Thai-OnlineDate: Thursday, 18.04.2019, 17:48 | Message # 1
Evil admin
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Messages: 2018
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Two tourists were injured on the Acropolis in Athens. The reason was lightning, which broke the lightning rod and hit the Acropolis during a thunderstorm - we note, it is located on the highest point of the city. PE occurred on Wednesday afternoon. Immediately after this, the entrance to the Acropolis was closed for security reasons.
As the Ministry of Culture of Greece comments, the blow itself happened not far from the guards' booth at the Erechteion temple. From the incident in the booth, the windows fell down - as a result, two caretakers were injured, as well as two tourists who were nearby. They were taken to the hospital - and, according to available information, the tourists left it safely after first aid.
Lightning did not damage the archaeological sites - also stated in the Ministry of Culture of Greece.
We add that such an emergency in the tourist world is not so rare. For example, in May 2015 of the year in Crete, lightning hit the group of Russian tourists right during the tour. A group of tourists was at that moment on an excursion near the ruins of the Palace of Knossos - the main attraction of Crete. When it started to rain, a group of tourists hid under a tree, into which the lightning hit. According to some reports, lightning struck an umbrella that was held in the hands of an 46-year-old tourist. She was the main victim - a woman had a heart attack, but she managed to reanimate.
On the territory of Russia, in the Kaliningrad region, in 2011, ball lightning hit the bus with German tourists. The accident occurred on August 8 on the Kaliningrad-Sovetsk highway, when a group of 19 tourists of retirement age was returning from Sovetsk (historical Tilsit). Ball lightning knocked out the electronics and punched the wheels. But as a result of the incident no one was hurt
In 2014, in the Argentinean city of Villa Gesell, three tourists were killed by a lightning strike on the beach, and 22 was injured and hospitalized with burns of varying degrees of severity. The tragedy occurred at the height of the vacation season in a resort town located on the shores of the Atlantic. Lightning unexpectedly struck one of the tents, under which the rest was hiding. Three died on the spot, the other participants in the emergency were hospitalized.

Based on materials tourprom.ru
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